Website: Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition Lab
Professor Jimenez's research focuses on translation technologies, localization, corpus-based translation studies, cognitive translation studies, translation theory, and the didactics of translation.
Localization in Translation (2024)
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A.
New York-London: Routledge
Translation and Web Localization (2013)
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A.
New York-London: Routledge
Crowdsourcing and Online Collaborative Translations (2017)
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2024. “Of professionals, non-professionals and everything in between: redefining the notion of the ‘translator’ in the crowdsourcing era ”. The Translator.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2023a. “Augmentation in translation crowdsourcing: are collaborative translators’ minds truly ‘augmented’?”. Translation, Cognition and Behavior.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2023b. “ ‘Translationese’ (and ‘post-editese’?) no more: on importing fuzzy conceptual tools from Translation Studies in MT research.” Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (2023). Edited by M. Nurminen et al. ISBN: 978-952-03-2947-1, pp. 261-268.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2022a. “Quo Vadis, Crowdsourcing and Online collaborative translation?”. INContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism 2(1): 35-56.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2022b. “A Missing Link?: can ‘digital genre theory’. provide a framework to understand the analog vs. digital divide in translation collaboration.” In Alexa Alfer and Cornelia Zwischenberger, Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics. Berlin: Frank and Timme, pp. 25-51.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2022c. “Specialized Practices in Translation Settings”. In John Schwieter and Aline Ferreira (eds.), Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Studies. Hoboken: Wiley.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. and J. Casillas. 2021. “Literal is not always easier: Literal and default translation, cognitive effort and comparable corpora”. Translation, Cognition and Behavior 4(1): 98-123.
Jiménez-Crespo, M A. 2022d. “Localization”. In @ ENTI (Encyclopedia of translation & interpreting). AIETI.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2021a. “The impact of crowdsourcing and online collaboration in professional translation: Charting the future of translation?”. Babel 67(4): 395- 417.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2021b. “Feedback in Online Translation Courses and the Covid Era”. Proceedings of TRITON: the Translation and Interpreting Technology Online Conference, 208-215.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. and L. Ramirez Polo. 2021. “Translation and the WWW”. In Esperança Bielsa (ed.) The Handbook of Translation and the Media. New York-London: Routledge, pp 352-368.
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A. and Maribel Tercedor. 2021. “Explicitation and Implicitation in Translation: Combining Comparable and Parallel Corpus Methodologies.” MONTI, Special Issue Corpus-based Translation Studies Spring-cleaning: A Critical Reflexion, 13: 62-92.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2020a. “The ‘technological turn’ in translation studies
Are we there yet? A transversal cross-disciplinary approach.” Translation Spaces, doi:
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2020b. “Localization”. In Kapsaskis, Dionysios and Esperança Bielsa (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Globalization. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 275-271.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2019a. “Technology and Non-Professional Translation”. In O’Hagan, Minako (ed.), The Handbook of Translation and Technology. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 230-254.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2019b. “Localization and localization research in Spanish speaking contexts”. In Valdeón, R. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies. New York-London: Routledge.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2019c. “Localization research in Translation Studies: Expanding the limits or blurring the lines?” In Dam, H. V. and Nisbeth, M. (eds.), Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 26-44.
Jiménez-Crespo, M A. 2019d. “Localization”. In Baker, M and Saldanha, G. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 299-304.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2018a. “The role of translation technologies in Spanish language learning.” The Journal of Spanish Language Teaching. 4(2): 181-193. DOI: 10.1080/23247797.2017.1408949.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2018b. “Crowdsourcing and translation quality: Novel approaches in the language industry and Translation Studies.” In Moorkens, J. (ed.), Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice. Berlin: Springer, pp. 69-93.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2017. “Translation crowdsourcing: Research trends and perspectives”. In Cordingley, A. and Frigau Manning, C. (eds.), Collaborative Translation: From the Renaissance to the Digital Age. London-New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 194-2013.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. and M. Tercedor. 2018. “Lexical variation, register and explicitation in medical translation: a comparable corpus study of medical terminology in US websites translated into Spanish”. TIS: Translation and Interpreting Studies 12 (3): 405–426.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2017a. “How much would you like to pay? Reframing and expanding the notion of translation quality through crowdsourcing and volunteer approaches”. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 25 (3): 478-491.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2017b. “Combining corpus and experimental studies: insights into the reception of translated medical texts”. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialized Translation 28: 2-22.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2017c. “Mobile apps and translation crowdsourcing: the next frontier in the evolution of translation”. Tradumática 14: 75-84.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2016. “Testing explicitation in translation: triangulating corpus and experimental studies”. Across Languages and Cultures 16: 257-283.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2015a. “Translation training and the Internet: twenty years later”. TIS: Translation and Interpreting Studies, 9: 33-10.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2015b. “Translation quality, use and dissemination in an internet era: using single-translation and multi-translation parallel corpora to research translation quality on the Web”. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialized Translation, 23: 39-63.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2015c. “Collaborative and Volunteer Translation”. In Angelelli, C. and B. Baer (eds.), Researching Translation and Interpreting. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 58-70.
Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2015d. Book Review. “Translation and Localization Management: The art of the possible”. Ed. K. Dunne and E. Dunne. Target: International Journal of Translation, 27 (1): 115-121.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2014. “Translation”. In Lacorte, M. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Spanish Applied Linguistics. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 295-312.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2014. “Beyond prescription: What empirical studies are telling us about localization crowdsourcing”. Translating and the Computer, 36. ASLIB conference Proceedings, pp. 27-35,
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2013a. "Crowdsourcing, corpus use, and the search for translation naturalness”. Translation and Interpreting Studies 8: 23–49.
Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2013b. "Building from the ground up: on the necessity of using translation competence models in planning and evaluating translation and interpreting programs". Cuadernos de ALDEEU, Special Issue, Translation and Interpreting Training: 11-42.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2012a. “Lost or lost in translation: a contrastive corpus-based study of original and localised US websites”. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialized Translation, 17: 136-173.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2012b. "Web localization in US non-profit websites: A descriptive study of localization strategies". In I. García Izquierdo and E. Monzó (Eds.).Iberian Studies on Translation and Interpreting. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 243-268.
Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2012c. “Translation under pressure and the Web: a parallel corpus-study of Obama´s Inaugural speech in the online media”. Translation and Interpreting, 4: 56-76.
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. and Tercedor. M. 2012. “Applying corpus data to define needs in localization training”. META:Translator´s Journal, 58 (2):998-1021.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.l A. 2011a. “The future of general tendencies in translation: Explicitation in web localization”. Target, 23:1, 3–25.
-Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A. 2011b. “A corpus-based error typology: towards a more objective approach to measuring quality in localization”. Perspectives, Studies in Translatology, 19 (4): 315-338.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2011d. “From many one: novel approaches to translation quality in a social network era”. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series, 10-2011.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2011d. "To adapt or not to adapt in web localization: a contrastive genre-based study of original and localized legal sections in corporate websites". Jostrans: The Journal of Specialized Translation, 15: 2-27.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A.2011e. "Localization and writing for a new medium: a review of digital style guides". Tradumática, 8.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2011f. "The future of “universal” tendencies: a review of papers using localized websites". Proceedings of UCCTS 2010, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies, Edge Hill University, UK. Online at:
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2010a. “The intersection of localization and translation: A corpus study of Spanish original and localized web forms”. Translation and Interpreting Studies 5(2): 186–207.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2010b. “Web Internationalization strategies and translation quality: researching the case of ‘international’ Spanish”. Localization Focus – The International Journal of Localization, 8.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. and Tercedor, M. 2010. "Theoretical and Methodological issues in Web corpus design and analysis". International Journal of Translation, 22 (1-2): 37-57.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2009a. "Conventions in localisation: a corpus study of original vs. translated web texts". Jostrans: The Journal of Specialized Translation 12: 79-102.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2009b. "The effect of Translation Memory tools in translated web texts: evidence from a comparative product-based study". Linguistica Antverpiensia, 8: 213-232.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2009c. " The evaluation of pragmatic and functionalist aspects in localization: towards a holistic approach to Quality Assurance". The Journal of Internationalization and Localization, 1:60-93.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2009d. " El uso de corpus textuales en localización" [Using textual corpora in localization]. Tradumática 8.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2009e. “Navegación Web Accesible” [Accesible Web Navigation]. In Tercedor, M. (ed.), Inclusión y accesibilidad desde el diseño y la presentación de materiales multimedia. Granada: Editorial Tragacanto, pp. 187-206.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2008a. "Web genres in Localization: a Spanish corpus study". Localization Focus – The International Journal of Localization, vol. 6, 1, pp. 2-13.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2008b. “Web texts in Translation Training”. In Garant, M. (ed.), Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning. Helsinki: Helsinki University Translation Studies Department Publication IV, pp. 14-39.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2008c. "Caracterización del género ‘sitio web corporativo’ español: análisis descriptivo con fines traductológicos". In Fernández Sánchez, M. and R. Muñoz Martín (eds.), Aproximaciones cognitivas al estudio de la traducción y la interpretación. Granada: Comares, pp. 259-300.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2008d. " La coherencia en la localización de hipertextos" [Coherence in hypertext localization]. In Pegenauta, L., DeCesaris, J., Tricás, M. and E. Bernal (Eds.), La traducción del futuro: mediación lingüística y cultura en el siglo XXI. Vol. I. Traducción y su Práctica. PPU. Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias: Barcelona, pp. 449-459.
-Tercedor, M. and Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. 2008. "Accesibilidad web, imágenes y traducción técnica" [Web accesibility, images and technical translation]. In Jiménez Hurtado, C. and Rodríguez Domínguez, A., Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad. Madrid: Real Patronato de Discapacidad. pp. 123-128.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. 2007. “El hipertexto en la docencia en traductología" [Hypertext in Translation Training]. In Balbuena, C. and García, A. (eds.), Traducción y mediación cultural. Reflexiones interdisciplinares. Granada: Editorial Atrio. pp. 390-398.
-Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. (2005). “Las peculiaridades textuales de las páginas web corporativas traducidas al español” [Textual features of corporate websites translated into Spanish". In Greenfield, M. (ed), Proceedings from the 46th Annual American Translators´ Association Conference. Washington: American Translators´ Association.
Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel. A. 2008. "El proceso de localización web: estudio contrastivo de un corpus comparable del género sitio web corporativo" [The web localization process: contrastive study of a comparable corpus of the web genre 'corporate website' ]. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Granada, Spain.
“Technology and the search for “naturalness” in translation: a corpus-based study of crowdsourced and original Spanish social networking sites”. Conference of the International Association of Translation and Interpreting Scholars, Queens University, Belfast, UK, July 25th-28th, 2012.
“The social function of web localization: a contrastive study of US corporate and non-profit websites”. 4th Media For All Conference: Audiovisual Translation-Taking Stock, Imperial College, London,UK, June28th-July 1st, 2011.
“Functionalist approaches to localization quality”. XIX World Congress of the International Federation of Translators, San Francisco, August 1st-4th, 2011.
“La traducción y localización comunitaria en las ONGs estadounidenses: el caso de la localización de sitios web”. Current Trends in Translation and Interpreting Training, 5th Congress of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Scholars (AIETI), Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain, February 16-18th, 2011.
“The Language of Translation and Cyberspace: a New Hybrid Language”. 56th Annual conference of the International Linguistics Association (ILA), Rutgers University, April 15th- 17th, 2011.
“Developing technological and instrumental competences for translation: a wired translation classroom”. Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Rutgers University, April 7th-10th, 2011.
"Translation, crowdsourcing and the dissemination of knowledge on the Internet: from quality to quantity". Shifting Paradigms: How Translation Transforms the Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, October 14th-16th, 2010.
"The future of translation “universals”: what can localization tell us about general features of translation?". Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies, 2010, Edge Hill University, UK, July 28th-29th, 2010.
“Translating under pressure and the web: a parallel corpus study of translations of Obama’s inauguration speech”. Bi-Annual Conference of the American Translation and Interpreting Scholar Association, New York University, April 23-24th, 2010.
“Translation universals and new translation modalities: Explicitation in web localization”. Methodological Advances in Corpus-Based Translation Studies, Univeristy College Ghent, Belgium, January 8-9th, 2010.
“The role of internships in Translation Education”. Annual Conference of the American Translators´ Association, New York, Oct 28-30th, 2009.
“A functionalist approach to web localization: a framework towards optimizing quality”. Annual Conference of the American Translators´ Association, New York, Oct 28-30th, 2009.
"Evaluation in localization training: assessing the acquisition of instrumental and transfer competence through a corpus-based study". Monterey FORUM 2009: Principles and practices of assessment in the training of translators and interpreters, Montery School of International Studies, CA, April 3rd-4th, 2009.
"The Impact of Internationalization on Linguistic Quality: Localizing Websites into ´International´ Spanish". Berkeley Globalization Forum (LISA@Berkeley), Bekeley University, CA, August 3rd-5th, 2009.
"Quality in Website localization". 49th Annual Conference of the American Translator Association. Orlando, FL, Nov 5-8, 2008.
Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. and Tercedor, M. "Web corpora in Translation Studies: Theoretical and methodological issues". New Trends in Language Teaching and Translation Studies: International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. University of Granada, Spain, Sept. 23-25, 2008.
"Digital Tenor in Wesite Localization". 2008 ATISA Conference [American Translation and Interpreting Scholar Association]. University of El Paso, Texas, April 3-4, 2008
"Textual Conventions in Localization: What the Industry Can Learn from Translation Studies". Lisa – Lessius Forum, Teaching Localization for Global Business Readiness, Antwerp, Belgium. December 10—2, 2007
Tercedor, M. and Jiménez, M. "Accesibilidad, imágenes y traducción técnica: un proyecto piloto". Amadis ´07, 2º Congreso de Accesibilidad a los Medios Audiovisuales para Personas con Discapacidad. Granada, Spain. June 21-22, 2007
"Le genre et le design expérimental d’une étude de corpus comparable de sites web localisées". La Langue et la Localisation: Politiques, Stratégies et Pratiques. Université McGill, Montreal, Canada. May 13-14th, 2007
"La coherencia en la localización de hipertextos". 3rd AIETI Conference (Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traductología). Barcelona, Spain. March 22nd-25th, 2007
"El hipertexto en la docencia en traductología". 5th International Conference “Traducción, Texto e Interferencias”, Córdoba, Spain, Dec. 13-14th, 2006
"Translating Corporate Webpages: A corpus study". 46th Annual American Translators´ Association Conference. Seattle, Nov. 10th-12th. 2005
"Las peculiaridades textuales de las páginas web corporativas traducidas al español". Mountain Intestate Foreign Language Conference, MIFLC, Oct. 11th, 2005, Wake Forest University.
"Machine translation and translation memory. How can we use it in the foreign language classroom?". Tri-Tech Foreign Language Technology Conference, 2003, Duke University
META: Translators’ Journal
JOSTRANS: The Journal of Specialized Translation
The Journal of Digital Translation / JIAL, the Journal of Internationalization and Localization
TRANS: Revista de Traductología.
Sendebar: Revista de Traducción.
Translation and Interpreting
L10 Journal
MeTI: Metodos de Traducción e Interpretación